Useful Resources


All versions of the datasets for all BioASQ tasks are available in the BioASQ Datasets page of the BioASQ Participants Area.

BioASQ task b: Biomedical Semantic QA (involves IR, QA, summarization)

5,386 English questions, annotated with relevant documents, snippets, "exact" and "ideal" answers.

BioASQ task Synergy: Biomedical Semantic QA for developing issues

369 questions on developing topics, incrementally annotated with assessed system responses.

BioASQ task MultiClinSum: Multilingual Clinical Summarization

Manual summaries of lengthy clinical case reports written in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

BioASQ task BioNNE-L: Nested Named Entity Linking in Russian and English

700 documents in Russian and 100 in English with nested-NER annotations.

BioASQ task ELCardioCC: Clinical Coding in Cardiology

500 cardiology discharge letters in Greek annotated with ICD-10 codes at document level and concept mention level.

BioASQ task GutBrainIE: Gut-Brain interplay Information Extraction

1,000 PubMed abstracts manually annotated with entity mentions, corresponding ontology concepts, and binary relations.

BioASQ Participants Area




HEMKit software (zip), a collection of hierarchical evaluation measures.
BioASQ Releases Continuous Space Word Vectors Obtained by Applying Word2Vec to PubMed Abstracts.
BioASQ Annotation and assessment tools


BioASQ social network
